I started grad school, which is debatably something like being alive.

I’m researching procedural generation (of course) so there’s quite a lot of new things that I can talk about, provided I have the time to write about them.

There are also many lovely submissions and questions that people have sent me that I am slowly sorting my way through. Tumblr, annoyingly, doesn’t give me a way to schedule responses, so it’s tricky to fit into my schedule. Though, perhaps not coincidentally, one of the themes of my research has been that generative tools are one way to empower users to take control of their relationship with computers.

Along those lines, I’ve created a backup version of this blog on my own server, at http://procedural-generation.isaackarth.com. It uses a static site generator to create a flat HTML version of the blog. It’s not the most generative project, but I think it’s a small example of how having control over your own technical tools can empower you, and I’d like to help make that available for more people.