
In exciting news for bot-makers, Kate Compton’s advanced bot-making agent platform was just open-sourced by Google.

You can play with a live demo here.

Kate’s earlier project, Tracery, already powers thousands of bots and other generative things. The combination of ease of use and expressive power opened up grammar-based generativity to everyone and lead to an explosion of creativity.

Bottery takes the concepts of Tracery and puts them within a Finite State Machine, greatly increasing the expressive power available. While some advanced Tracery features add the ability to remember some state, using FSM–which are all about state–makes previously difficult things trivially easy. And with an accessible interface, too.

I fully expect that, given time, Bottery will be as significant for bringing AI to all of us as Tracery was. Meanwhile, you can use it for your ProcJam project. Or, with a bit of work, for your NaNoGenMo project!

There’s going to be an online launch party on the 8th, where Kate will be streaming and doing tutorials.