Since we’re apparently talking about made-up words today, what about a look at another conlang tool?
If you’d like something a bit more hands-on than the all-in-one-power of Vulgar, Awkwords is one of several word generators that create words based on patterns of syllable vowel and consonant construction.
It uses template construction with patterns and sub-patterns. It can get fancy with probability weights and filtering. By default it uses the standard vowel, consonant patterning, but the labels are arbitrary, so you can build any syllable construction that you like.
With the existence of fully-formed language generators, tools like Awkwords are now most useful when you’re trying to generate words with specific patterns or rhythms. A bit of linguistic knowledge helps, to know what the possibilities are: like most generative tools, word generators are an encoding of expert knowledge. They’re a description of the internal workings of a thing, a living diagram.
In this case, the encoded knowledge is about patterns in syllables. You’ll have to supply the phonemes yourself, and you’ll need to work out what the possible patterns are. But the strength of a generative tool is that you don’t need to know all of this up front: you can experiment. Each run of the tool gives you feedback for how well you understand the problem you are trying to solve. Generativity allows you to course-correct.