
Perhaps you need a constructed language, but don’t want to build one from scratch. Vulgãr is a complete language generator.

While the conlang community produces a lot of software tools to make the process easier, most are built around the idea that the user wants the participate heavily in the process. Vulgãr is aimed more for the people who want a constructed language without doing the heavy lifting themselves. So it features things like creating derived words and introducing semantic overlaps based on real-world language data.

It’s a very slick product, starting from basic phonemes and building words and grammars. I especially like the way it develops homonyms and overlapping senses. Real-world languages have a lot of relations between words that present in some languages but absent in others. The specific idioms of a language give it a flavor that’s hard to reproduce. By using the real-world data as a source, the generator can create new words that encompass meanings that make sense in context.

Consider extending that to other kinds of generators. Introducing asymmetry is a powerful design pattern. Breaking up the regularity of an orderly system with an unexpected shortcut can make the whole system more interesting. There’s precedence for this in art: Perec introduced deliberate flaws in the organization of one of his novels, for example. This becomes even more noticeable in something interactive, like a language or a game.