Voxel Automata Terrain

A voxel cellular automata terrain generator by R4_Unit, written in Processing.

It uses the diamond-square algorithm, noise generation, and cellular automata rules to create voxel spaces.

A very general overview of how it works:

The basic idea is that you pretend you’ve drawn a certain level of detail of the image into a grid of voxels and you are now wondering how to make a twice as detailed image. You do so with a collection of rules.  First, you have a rule for how to fill in the center of a cube when you know all the corners, second you have a rule for filling in all the faces when you know the corners and centers, and then finally you have a rule for filling in the edges when you know everything you’ve filled in so far.  In this way, you can go from a voxel grid to one twice the size.  Repeating this many times gives you a large detailed voxel grid.   

Really detailed images are a bit slow, as you’d expect with a recursive generator like this, but the results are quite nice. And, of course, it’s all in Processing, so you can see the code and edit it yourself, if you like.
