7DRL 2017

The 2017 Seven Day Roguelike Week is in full swing. There’s already dozens and dozens of roguelikes in development, some of which you can see previews of on the Twitter hashtag. There seem to be a lot of non-ASCII roguelikes this year, but that may just be the screenshot bias.

The 7 Day Roguelike Challenge started in 2005, partially in reaction to the big, grandiose Usenet-era roguelikes and cloud-in-the-sky projects that were dominating the discussion on r.g.r.d. Since then, there have been hundreds and hundreds of new roguelikes, with more added every year.

7DRL exemplifies something I like about game jams: demonstrating that you can build a small, complete game, making the first steps of game development achievable for a wider audience. Even if you end up taking a little longer on your first project, it still represents something achievable.
