
The work of Robert Hodgin, aka flight404, has been influential in creative computing. To the point where his Magnetosphere was added to iTunes as a visualizer (with porting assistance of Andrew Bell).

His Vimeo account has recently been restored, with videos of projects going back over a decade. A few examples:

Solar, with lyrics.

Magnetic Ink, Process video

Magnetosphere, revisited (from 2007)

Murmuration, 40,000 starlings

Fox Horror, by Nervo and TBG 

Much of his early work was done in Processing (early in the history of that project) and he later went on to help with Cinder (where Andrew Bell was and is the lead architect).

Here’s a talk Robert gave Eyeo 2014 that manages to cover his working methods, simulating the planet, the rules of flocking, stacking things, walking in New York, murmuration, and giving a talk without a title.