Revisions: A Call-for-Papers game

The 2017 Conference on Computational Intelligence in Games has put out a call for papers, and Kate Compton has used the new, updated version of Tracery to make a worker-placement research lab simulator game as part of the CFP.

Keep your grad students from stressing out! Watch them brainstorm! Double click on ideas on the whiteboard to start projects! Try to get them to finish writing papers in a timely fashion! Submit them to conferences and get terrible feedback from Reviewer Two!

There’s a ton of Tracery-powered procedural content generation going on here. I especially like the paper titles, and some of the stuff that gets written on the whiteboard describes projects I’d want to work on: Long-term Strategy + Tabletop RPG = ? Maps + Metroidvania->??? LudoForm: clustering for MetroidVania maps.