Metaphor Magnet

Do you feel satisfied and impressed by original creativity? I quite often feel challenged by fascinating creativity. That said, creativity puzzles me.

Those aren’t my words: I got them from Metaphor Magnet, a project from the Creative Language System Group. Metaphor Magnet’s API powers part of the MetaphorIsMyBusiness bot, but you can also interact with it directly.

In addition to finding new metaphors based on the ones you search for, it also can suggest feelings about something, like the ones I used to start off this post, or compose poetry on the paradox of creativity:

The original challenge of this creativity

Fascinate me with your enigmatic challenge

By logicians is creativity identified, and the logics of this creativity do these logicians study

No bore is more maddening, or struggles so much

Perplex me with your incomprehensible mystery

Let your incredible impact amaze me

Does any paradox madden more incredibly than this creativity?

How you fascinate me, like any inexplicably inconsistent paradox

Is any paradox more incredibly questionable than this creativity?

See how you amaze me with your impossible puzzles

Just as the most shocking terrorists exhibit the most disturbing hostility, the most shocking paradoxes are built on the most disturbing contradictions

Even if you were a boring lecturer wouldn’t you want to lecture to this class of intriguing paradoxes?

O Creativity, you haunt me with your stark madness

You can try it out for yourself at