Shiv Integer

There’s a long history of art making people upset when it conflicts with their expectations. As it turns out, 3D printer art is no exception.

Thingiverse is a database of models for use in 3D printing. Shiv Integer is a bot-thing by Matthew Plummer-Fernandez and Julien Deswaef that outputs bizarre mashups of CC-licensed 3d Models. It’s generated quite a bit of controversy on Thingiverse. 

Some of its recent remixes include 1541-II Time ProjectGY-63 Miniature DVD CannonRemote Mario Holder, and Parabolic Pile Treasure.

It reminds me of Le Déjeuner en fourrure and other Surrealist objects. Part of the point is the sheer uselessness of the created objects–objects composed of parts that were often intended as mere utilitarian shims.

Dada and Surrealism have deep links to procedural generation. Dada in particular has come up here before; there’s a lot of interesting links between dadaesque techniques like cut-up and blackout poetry and generative art.