Joy Exhibition (2015)

An art gallery of paintings made with procedurally generated guns and visited by futuristic beings: it could only have been made by Strangethink.

Another entry in Strangethink’s neon-CGA exploration beyond the boundaries of conventional content creation, only this time you are the artist and the machine procedurally generates the critics. 

Inversion and revisiting is one of the themes here: an art gallery, as in Secret Habitat but you are the one who made the paintings. A landscape, but you stay indoors. The art critics resemble the Opposite Puritans and Nebulous Friends of Perfect Glowing Bodies, but injected into three-dimensional forms.

There are also approximately a zillion possible procedurally-generated paintbrush guns, each with a distinctive spray pattern. My favorite one so far is one I’ve dubbed “The Sushi Gun”.

The other theme is one of communication: your only means of interacting with these mute alien art critics is via your paintings.