LE Omelette D'ARTHUR (2013)

A novel from the first NaNoGenMo, by Michael Paulukonis. The basic operation is to take two texts and swap the nouns in the first with the nouns in the second. In this case, the two texts are the first volume of Le Morte d’Arthure, and a book about hackers: Underground by Suelette Dreyfus. It’s not the most coherent story, with the new nouns resulting in more of a texture than a sense of place. The result reads like a cyberpunk epic, one that the machines tell each other late at night when only the blinkenlights illuminate the server room. 

Word swapping and combining texts still a go-to technique for NaNoGenMo, especially since the choice of input texts greatly affects the outcome, and new algorithms for how the combination is done have produced some nicely sophisticated results.

The novel, and the code repository are available to view, as is the discussion thread from 2013.